Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]
Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]
The Sunday Adult Forum is a semi-formal adult discussion group. Our topics include Geopolitics, Contemporary Issues/Events, Spiritual Themes, and Personal Experiences. Our normal weekly participation ranges from six to twelve. […]
Title: "Simulated Reality" Speaker: John Haberman Reality is that which exists independently of our existence. Since all of our experiences and knowledge about our existence is a construction by our […]
Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]
UU Ladies, Join us at EurAsia restaurant at 12:30PM on the 1st Thursday of each month for good food and good companionship.
Title: "We've Only Just Begun" Speaker: Rev. Kalen Fristad In this sermon, Rev. Fristad will focus on universalism as it relates to John Murray and how he came to believe […]
After the Sunday service, please stay for a Sunday pot luck lunch. We ask you to bring a dish to share and join our community over lunch. There will be […]
The Fellowship invites you to join our Faith Forward Class, "Roots". "Roots" is a one-session class to present the values and principles of our Unitarian Universalist faith. We will introduce […]
The Fellowship Book Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Library and on Zoom. All book lovers are welcome. We make an effort to have […]
Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to help reduce stress in your life, to find your inherent strengths, and to examine your core values. This event is free and open to all […]
The Sunday Adult Forum is a semi-formal adult discussion group. Our topics include Geopolitics, Contemporary Issues/Events, Spiritual Themes, and Personal Experiences. Our normal weekly participation ranges from six to twelve. We meet Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:50 am in the Work Room. Our regular Sunday Service follows at 11:00 am. OBJECTIVES: To improve individual […]
Title: "What Do You Do to Stave Off Loneliness" Speaker: Rev. Patti Henry Rev. Patti Henry will share her thoughts on dealing with loneliness. And we will officially welcome new members into our congregation. Please stay for coffee and conversation after the service. Child Care will be available.
Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]
The Sunday Adult Forum is a semi-formal adult discussion group. Our topics include Geopolitics, Contemporary Issues/Events, Spiritual Themes, and Personal Experiences. Our normal weekly participation ranges from six to twelve. […]
Title: "Radical Hospitality-Are You On Board?" Speaker: Rev. Vita Como As we navigate these stressful times, what is ours to do? Sages have helped give us a roadmap. Please stay […]
Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]