Title: “The Power of Choice”
Speaker: Rev. Patti Henry
The Power of Choice
You Can Never be Greater than How You Choose to See Yourself.
Gina Maier Vincent, the owner of Exquisitely Aligned, says:
Embrace the life you’re meant to live. The life you haven’t lived yet is an amazing one. This is the one that has been calling you your entire life. It’s the one that sneaks into your dreams and demands your attention when you’re least expecting it. The call is loud and clear. However, if you want to live this amazing, unlived life that’s calling you, you must know that it won’t simply ‘happen’. It doesn’t simply ‘happen’ or it would have already happened. You must choose it!
Come hear our minister, the Reverend Patti Henry on March 19, speak about the Power of Choice. It will be a fun and thoughtful service that you won’t want to miss.
Please stay for coffee and conversation after the service.
Child Care will be available.