Please join us on Sundays at 11:00am for our Live Services. Visitors are always welcome and child care is available during the service.
10:00 – 10:45am Religious Education & Discussion Groups:
- Adult Forum – Lively discussion of current event topics; structured & moderated Adult Forum
11:00 – Sunday Service:
Our service includes hymns, readings, a children’s story, sharing of joys and concerns and a thoughtful sermon. Our lay minister, Rev. Patti Henry, is the speaker on the third Sunday of the month. On the remaining Sundays, we have guest speakers and speakers from within our Fellowship.
Weekly Activity:
Meditation – Wednesday Evening at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Sanctuary
Monthly Activities:
2nd Sunday Pot Luck – watch for themed events.
1st Thursday – The Ladies Luncheon meets at 12:30pm at EurAsia Restaurant
2nd Tuesday – The Fellowship Book Club meets at 10:30am on Zoom and in person. Book Club
3rd Thursday – The Chalice Circle meets at 11am in the Fellowship Library and on Zoom to discuss the covenant between the members and the Fellowship Chalice Circle
Committees: As a lay led congregations, volunteers are always needed for hospitality, Sunday readings, leading hymns, providing sermons, greeting visitors, outreach and social justice, social events, gardening, building maintenance, help in the office. Please see Sunday greeter for information.
Annual Activities:
Spring – Peace and Justice MusicFest. Talent from all the Houston UU congregations perform, artists sell their wares in a free festival
Fall – Fellowship Auction with live auction items, silent auction items and lots of dinners and events to bid on..