Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]
UU Ladies, Join us at EurAsia restaurant at 12:30PM on the 1st Thursday of each month for good food and good companionship.
Title: "We've Only Just Begun" Speaker: Rev. Kalen Fristad In this sermon, Rev. Fristad will focus on universalism as it relates to John Murray and how he came to believe […]
After the Sunday service, please stay for a Sunday pot luck lunch. We ask you to bring a dish to share and join our community over lunch. There will be […]
The Fellowship invites you to join our Faith Forward Class, "Roots". "Roots" is a one-session class to present the values and principles of our Unitarian Universalist faith. We will introduce […]