Fellowship Clipboard Experience

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Fellowship Events Team will present "The Clipboard Experience" lunch after the Sunday service on October 29. The clipboard items are events on a fixed date,  the presenter allows a fixed number of people to sign up and the price is the same for each person.  Since this is a Fun Fellowship Fundraiser,  participants will […]

Event Series Meditation


Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to help reduce stress in your life, to find your inherent  strengths, and to examine your core values. This event is free and open to all […]

Event Series Ladies Lunch

Ladies Lunch

Eurasia 1330 Wirt Road B, Houston

UU Ladies, Join us at EurAsia restaurant at 12:30PM on the 1st Thursday of each month for good food and good companionship.

Event Series Adult Forum

Adult Forum

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Sunday Adult Forum is a semi-formal adult discussion group. Our topics include Geopolitics, Contemporary Issues/Events, Spiritual Themes, and Personal Experiences. Our normal weekly participation ranges from six to twelve. We meet Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:50 am in the Work Room. Our regular Sunday Service follows at 11:00 am. OBJECTIVES: To improve individual […]

Event Series Sunday Program

Sunday Program

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

Title:  "Robert's Rules of Order...Vehicle for Peace?" Speaker:  Ted Weisgal Through role playing you will receive a demonstration on how Robert's Rules of order can practically diffuse social, emotional and academic challenges in or out of school. Ted Weisgal will present an actual example of how this works. Please stay for coffee and conversation after […]

Event Series Meditation


Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]

Event Series Adult Forum

Adult Forum

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Sunday Adult Forum is a semi-formal adult discussion group. Our topics include Geopolitics, Contemporary Issues/Events, Spiritual Themes, and Personal Experiences. Our normal weekly participation ranges from six to twelve. […]

Event Series Sunday Program

Sunday Program

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

Title:  "The Illusion of Safety" Speaker:   Harold Rud Recent events have shown us that at any given time, we may encounter disturbances in our lives that will alter our sense […]

Event Series Pot Luck Lunch

Pot Luck Lunch

After the Sunday service, please stay for a Sunday pot luck lunch.  We aks you to bring a dish to share and join our community over lunch.  There will be […]

Tuesday Book Club

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Fellowship Book Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday at 10:30am on Zoom.  All book lovers are welcome.   We make an effort to have a balance between fiction and non-fiction.  […]

Event Series Meditation


Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

Join Bayou Moon Sangha on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary for an hour of Meditation. This is an opportunity for you to find your inner calm to […]

Cancelled-Chalice Circle

Unitarian Fellowship of Houston 1504 Wirt Road, Houston, TX, United States

The Chalice Circle is on hiatus. The Chalice Circle provides an opportunity for you to make deep and meaningful connections by sharing your own stories, ideas, and feelings about life's […]